Modern gas pumps do more than deliver fuel. They talk to you. Some have the ability to recognize smartphones and display targeted ads on digital video screens. Fifty years ago? Motorists got their windshield cleaned and oil checked. A few vintage pumps and gas stations have survived in eastern Washington including the relic above in the town of Hay, population 11. The black pickup, with a bullet hole in the door, has sat on the site for years. My chiropractor, who hunts in the area, tried repeatedly to find the owner, hoping to buy and restore it. No luck. The pump on the left overlooks the town at an abandoned farm. I found the the pump below at an abandoned station near Richland.

Palouse gas pump, Palouse gas station, Town of Hay WA, Town of Hay Wash., Gas pump in Hay WA, Gas station in Hay WA, Gas pump in Hay Wash., Palouse truck, Fuji Provia 100F, Jeff King Photography

